Published: 08/13/2019
It’d be so simple to just grab a kit off the shelf, take it home and start whitening your teeth yourself. But is the most convenient option, an over-the-counter kit, anything much more than just that: a convenient option? Take a look at the things you should know before teeth whitening, as well as the pros and cons to whiting at home and having your teeth whitened at the dentist’s office.
Whitening at Home
It’s the convenience factor that makes many people interested in whitening in the first place. It’s more tempting to whiten teeth when all you have to do is grab a kit from a local store and apply the whitening solution to your teeth in the comfort of your own home – as opposed to scheduling and attending a dentist’s appointment, during business hours. Whether you choose to whiten at home or under the professional care of a dental hygienist, it’s still best to at least consult with your dentist before starting to whiten your teeth on your own.
Whitening at the Dentist’s Office
Along with professional, expert care, whitening your teeth at the dentist’s office also gives you access to stronger whitening agents that simply aren’t available off-the-shelf at retail stores. When you consult your dentist about whitening, they can also let you know if it’s the right time to start whitening or if you should wait a bit. One of the biggest reasons your dentist may advise you to wait is the presence of cavities, which can be worsened by teeth whitening solutions. Your dentist will also advise you how teeth whitening will impact existing teeth as well as dental prostheses, such as crowns and bridges. Whitening will only change the color or natural teeth and won’t have any impact on dental prostheses, which will remain the same color.
Learn More About Cosmetic Dentistry
Choose a day and a time to talk with our dentist in Thousand Oaks, CA to learn more about your options for getting whiter, brighter teeth. Be sure to bring along any questions you have about teeth whitening and other cosmetic dental procedures.
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